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HOW DO YOU CUSTOMIZE YOUR BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES FOR LARGE OR SMALLER CLIENTS?Give us a call and let's discuss the options for short term or long term engagement. Pre-employment background investigations for your work force can be a one time report or as an ongoing service. Do you "really" know who you're hiring?
HOW DO I KNOW THAT W.M. PORTER ASSOCIATES, LLC. IS THE RIGHT CONSULTING AGENCY FOR ME?Our services include. Pre-employment background reviews. Active Shooter / Active Violence Seminars School & Business Security Assessments Polygraph Examinations Investigations Site photography ​ We feel pretty well rounded here at W.M. Porter Associates and prepared to handle most projects, however if during the initial consult we cannot meet your goals, let's discuss what we can do or recommend one of our partner agencies.
WHAT CAN A POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION BE USED FOR?Polygraph Examinations have a myriad of useful purposes. Police Agencies and our Federal Government use the exams for pre-employment purposes. Polygraph examinations can also be used to assist in determining infidelity, allegations of wrong-doing, credibility assessments, among other things. Give us a call and let's discuss your polygraph needs.
HOW DOES A VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT BY W.M. PORTER ASSOCIATES HELP ME.Engaging W.M. Porter Associates to conduct a Vulnerability Assessment of your school (State, Local, Parochial or Private) will provide you with a written report that assists in the initial steps of your security grant applications. Typically these assessments are conducted every two years. We will also provide a similar service for large and small business and manufacturing environments. The reports are designed to be "all-hazard" and will cover a wide range of liability reducing security and environmental measures for your property and buildings.
What is the Active Assailant / Active Shooter lecture all about?We will discuss recent incidents, provide you with the basics of the Department of Homeland Security, Run- Hide-Fight model. Show you what to expect from your local police and emergency services response. Tips on being more alert while at work and while out and about by yourself or with your family and friends.
Is Active Assailant, Active Shooter, and Active Aggressor the same thing?Yes, the terms have been utilized synonymously. Active Assailant and Active Aggressor can also include those perpetrating an incident with a weapon other than a firearm.
Are Active Assailant presentations live and in person?Yes, there are a number of ways to present the Active Assailant / Active Shooter lecture. 1. In person at your facility. 2. On-line in a media platform such as Zoom, Teams, Webex and like platforms. 3. Pre-recorded and available on our website as a sign-in. Watch at your own pace.
How much will presentations to my group cost?We can talk about that. Cost varies by the audience size, topics covered, and the location of the presentation. Call us for a no obligation discussion.
What is a vulnerability Assessment?Typically, a vulnerability assessment is a review of your facilities physical premises, review of policies, and employee behaviors. An Vulnerability Assessment is a systematic evaluation of a facilities security measures and preparedness to identify potential vulnerabilities.
How much does a Vulnerability Assessment cost?We can talk about that. Cost will vary based on your facility's size, number of employees and environmental factors. It also depends on the type of assessment provided. Call us for a no obligation discussion.
How do I know if my safety and security policies up to date?Most security policies should be updated based on incidents (security incidents can occur at any given time), but a general rule of thumb will suggest a review every other year and ensures that you don't fall behind in the latest suggested safety and security policies for your facility.
What are some of the policies related to security and safety?Policies content can vary widely, but typical security and safety policies include how to respond to fire incidents, trespassing, facility visitors, weather, and emergency actions. We prefer to tailor your safety and security policies to an "All-Hazard" approach to ensure coverage on a broad array of possibilities.
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